Dune Links - Kaitain

Welcome to Kaitain, the home of House Corrino and Shadam IV, Emperor of the known universe. Being at the political centre of the universe, Kaitain has many of the Spacing Guild Heighliners orbiting the surface. As such it has become somewhat of a interchange for travellers throughout the universe. Below are a few of the destination that the Guild Navigators will fold space to ... for the right amount of Spice...
Official Dune Websites:
- Dune: Part Two - The Official Website
- Dune Novels: The Official Website
- Jodorowsky's Dune
- Jodorowsky's Dune (Sony Pictures Classics)
Other Dune Websites:
- Collectors of Dune
- DuneNewsNet
- Dune Spice Opera 2024 Project
- Usul's Homepage
- Dune Notes
- Dune Special Edition Project (3D CG Dune Models)
- The Cave of Birds: Frank Herbert's Sietch
- The Fish Speaker
- Dune Masterworks
- Thoughts of Dune
Dune Articles/Interviews
- Dune: The Film You Will Never See
- Dune Resurrection - Re-visiting Arrakis
- Freddie Francis - Dune Interview
- Raffella De Laurentiis - Dune Interview
- Jodorowsky's Dune And The Greatest Films Never Made
- Frank Herbert by Timothy O'Reilly
- 35 Years of David Lynch: DUNE (1984)
- Dune: Past, Present & Future (Prevue)
- Herbert's Masterpiece Becomes the Cinematic Epic Dune (Prevue 53)
- The Incredible Genesis of Dune (Prevue 54)
- Rebel Mistress of Dune (Prevue 55)
- Master Builders of Dune (Prevue 56)
- Frank Herbert: The Legend Maker of Dune (Prevue 57)
- David Lynch Reveals His Strategy to Film an Epic (Prevue 58)
- Power Players of Dune (Prevue 59)
- Dunenovels.com list of interviews
- Building the Perfect Dune by Sean Murphy
- "Toto's Dune" - Disposable Underground
Dune Podcasts
- Dune Talk - DuneNewsNet
- Dune Cast (RetroZap)
- The Dune Saga Podcast
- Let's Get Weirding's Podcast
- The Retro Cinema Podcast: #88 – Dune
- The Projection Booth Podcast: Dune (1984)
- The Projection Booth Podcast: Special Report: Jodorowsky's Dune
- Trick or Treat Radio: #89 - Jodorowsky's Maniacs
- The Gentlemens Guide To Midnite Cinema: #290 - Jodoworsky's Dune
- Twin Peaks Podcast: #43 - Dune
- Pod Stallions: #64 - Dune
- My Arms Are Lasers: #7 - Dune
- Checking the Gate: #4 - Dune
- In Defense of Bad Movies: 13 - Dune
- Talk Without Rhythm: #99 - Dune (1984) and Avatar (2009)
- The Sci-Fi Christian: #399 - Digging Up Dune
- TREKS in SCI-FI: #395 - Dune
- TREKS in SCI-FI: #424 - More Dune
- CINEPUNX: #46: Frank Pavich (The N.Y.H.C. Documentary, Jodorowsky’s Dune)
- Hey You Geeks!!: #20 - Conversation With ‘Jodorowsky’s Dune’ Director Frank Pavich
David Lynch/Dune
Non-English Dune Websites:
- Дюна: Пряный мир [Dune: Spice World]
- Dune. Un estudio.
- Dune Italia
- Duna - stránky vìnované Dunì Franka Herberta
- French Dune Community Forum
- Frank Herbert's bibliography on Polish "Encyklopedia Fantastyki"
Dune Game Sites
Dune Online Games
Fan Made Trailers, Spoofs and Parodies
- Dune : Re-Edition (Remastered - Restored - Redubbed!)
- alt.fan.dune (Web based access to news groups at Google Groups)
Sites containing Dune items for sale:
Sites containing Dune information:
- Dune Movie info (Internet Movie Database)