Michael Stribling's Gallery
Michael Stribling is a freelance artist, specializing in illustration and digital art. These are some images that Michael has created over the past few years.
All images are Copyright Michael Stribling 1997 - 2001
Contact Michael Stribling at [email protected]
Or visit Michael's website at: www.michaelstribling.com
Click on each image to bring up a large version of it

Lady Jessica
"My version of Jessica's "look" is based on her Bene Gesserit ability to blend into any culture she is immersed in- in this instance, Caladan. For her dress, I wanted a sea-shell quality to it. Something with intricate folds that might remind you of the chambers of a nautilus shell. You see that in the sleeve folds, and maybe in the ribbed seams running through her dress. Her hairpiece is also reminiscent of this. Her hair is a bit wild. This is meant to convey her slight rebellious nature. After all, she was supposed to have a daughter!"

Rev. Mother G.H.Mohiam
"She is specifically referred to as an old "crone" of a woman, and that's how I'll represent her. In this sketch she is seen beckoning Jessica to bring the boy into the room."

Crashed Ornithopter
"The image is of Paul and Jessica's recently crashed 'thopter. Paul and Jessica have since fled the scene...but two mysterious onlookers have arrived to scavenge the wreck."

Leto 2nd, God Emperor
"I felt like we needed to see a closeup of his face, so I did this blue pencil drawing. Overall, I wanted the God Emperor to have an almost pharoah-like appearance. So, the fold-flaps around his face actually serve this visual purpose, as well as others. One can almost visualize giant statues of the God-Emperor, sculpted in a stylized way, emphasizing the folds as sort of an Egyptian-pharoah headdress, and de-emphasizing the ugliness of the rest of his worm-bulk."

Leto 2nd, God Emperor
"I've never been satisfied with the God Emperor's final transformation that I designed. So, here is the new version. It is a simple marker rendering."

Transport Ornithopter
"I figured there had to be a separate pod, or engine from which the wings would be attached and the fuselage would in essense 'hang' from this pod in flight. If the the wings were connected directly to the fuselage, such as an airplane, the wing-beat motion would rip the vehicle apart. There are also maneuvering and take-off thrusters."

Leto Atreides II - God Emperor - Early Transformation
"I believe at about 20 years he would still only be covered with the connected sand trout. I think it would take hundreds of years for him to eventually become the worm. This is why I drew him a little older with his 'living stillsuit.'"

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
"First, I do a detailed drawing in B/W. Then, I have several half-tone copies made. After that I use markers to color the copies. This gives me the chance to do different versions of the same drawing. With the Baron, you are seeing him in his suspensor-suit only.
I will be doing another version of him with his various robes and jewelry. He is a much more colorful, grossly overweight character in the book."